My name is Strongwater, a translation of an old European name that the Divine disclosed to me. It is a reflection of the Power of Water and Earth in which I am anchored.
Shaman is a word that originates from the far Eastern European world, where some of my Ancestors lived.. Shaman are special people that have access to the spirit world..The God/dess has given me roads to walk that developed my compassion and understanding. I strive to be her vessel and help whomever she brings to me.
My mother and grandfather were also healers from Poland. I grew up in a multicultural world of a 130 languages being spoken and have been taught from many teachers around the world.
Because the Earth and all forms of life are sacred, to understand better a simple belief systems based on the divine, I have been studing Paganism/Witchcraft and Shamanism for about 30 years now. This has enabled me to help many people in need. As a Healer, I speak to Spirit People/Animals and those who have Dementia/Alzheimer's, when they are willing. My drive to learn has also led me to study Shiatsu, Polarity Therapy, and Tantra, among many other things. As a Medium I am incredibly sensitive to all kinds of energies and can bridge the gap between the living and the dead. I create understanding, resolve old wounds, and bring comfort to the living.
*I can help you heal from trauma and loss.
*Clear out old and entangled energies.
*Effectively break energetic cords.
*I can facilitate your meeting your Allies and Guides.
*Aid in Rebirthing work and Inner Child Mending.
*Open Doors to Ancestral Healing.
*Do remote healing on the physical bodies of adults, children and animals.
* I also teach how to manage Anxiety, Fear, and process Rage in very healthy ways.
My Energy Exchange is $80-150 an hour.