Description of a Session

During a session (which can vary in length, averaging sixty minutes), we will discuss what you would like to get help with or would like to explore. I will let you know what my experience of you is.  I can let you know of any spirit people that might be present and who are willing to communicate, and we can discuss how you would like to proceed.


In energy healing I would tune into your body noting any sensations or imbalances to assess the energy field. I then choose a healing technique that is appropriate for your needs. I might see something physical you might want to have checked out or treated with a medical professional. Everything is done with your consent and with our wishes for your highest good.


As a Spiritual Counselor, I utilize years of my own healing of trauma and the addressing of my family’s ancestral wounds. You may have heard the term “Wounded Healer”. It refers to someone who has done their own healing work and now can be a guide and support in doing your own healing work.


As a Medium, I interact with the Spiritual People and Beneficent Beings who may be around you and who are willing to share messages. There may be those you might not be willing to speak to, and I request that you advise me of that. However, they may be coming through to make amends and heal old wounds that would free everyone involved and help your evolution as a human being.


I can often break the cords that bind people in unhealthy or unwanted ways. Breaking old Soul agreements to stay bonded with individuals which you no longer want to stay connected to in present or future lives.


There is a high likelihood that you will experience the relaxation response during the

session. A feedback discussion will follow. People have many different responses to Shamanic Healing.


Some clients feel nothing at all. Others describe sensations of moving energy, deep relaxation, feelings of being supported and nurtured, or visions of images and colors. Some patients experience an emotional release such as tears; some have what they consider to be a spiritual experience or they may develop insight into specific areas of their lives.

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